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We are more than grateful that God has provided for us what is necessary for our livelihood during many years in which we have been as a family of 4 in this ministry.

But the time has come in which it is necessary to continue covering some expenses in order to fulfill the ministry that God has given us. We understand that it is necessary to seek the support of churches and families so that in this way our focus is on doing the work of God, and as we have understood in our study of the Bible, it is convenient to do it as it was done in the history of the church.

Some of our specific needs as a family are:

- Due to the increase in the cost of basic goods, it has been necessary to change our diet and lower the purchases in the supermarket.

- Increase in the cost of education for our children: although our children are being homeschooled, as they progress we have seen the cost of materials increase and by the grace of the Lord our children do a great job in school as is their mother, who is helping them grow in this area as well as others in their lives.

- As time goes by, we have seen the need to provide counseling to families and people who need to study the word of God as well as fellowship time with them, for which it is necessary to eat together, either at home or outside, so also resources are needed for this area.

-Finally we have had to cut other expenses that we believe we should resume: we have stopped taking family vacations, helping other church members and relatives who are also going through economic needs, as well as other recreational activities that we like to do as a family (cinema, theater , parks and other activities).

We have prayed as a family and we believe that we have been guided by God to make the decision to ask for support from churches and families. We thought that as a family fully committed to God's work, making other decisions like looking for another job would only limit our time and cease our service to the Lord.

If you want to know more about our ministry you can find more information on our blog

I think of the words of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:7 "Who ever served as a soldier at his own expense?" or also in 1 Tim. 5:18 "the worker is worthy of his salary" speaking of the need for the minister of God to obtain the support of the church of Jesus Christ so that he can dedicate himself completely to the work of God.

We ask for your prayers for us as a missionary family, not only so that God continues supplying our needs, but also that we do not fall into the sin of discontent (it is not that we do not have contentment but we have been tempted like many to have it) as Paul says "I have learned to be content in any situation" in Philippians 4:11, which we continue to learn, the art of contentment. We also ask for your prayers so that God guides us to make wise decisions and thus know where he is taking us to serve him, whether it is to continue ministering in our church, go to other places in our country or to move out of the country and serve the Lord,, for which maybe He has been preparing us all this time. We need your prayers to see those opportunities wisely and be led by his Holy Spirit and make a wise decision.

If in your heart there is a willingness and opportunity to support us or you know someone who would like to support this type of cause, do not hesitate to contact us to provide them with the means in which they can do so.

We thank you in advance for your support, not only financially but also with your prayers, affection, words of encouragement and friendship to continue in this race in which God is perfecting us as individuals and as a family.

If you want more information you can contact us by these emails and we will gladly answer any questions you may have about us and our ministry:

Our greatest thanks from Eduardo, Nidia, Matías and Paula!